Looking for a way to honor a loved one or friend? Are you searching for a way to remember a special occasion?
Memorial Candles
Located in our Adoration Chapel, these candles can be reserved for the intention of your choice to remain lit for an entire week. Your intention will be listed in our parish bulletin*. Donation is $10/candle.
Mass Intention
Monday-Wednesday and Friday-Saturday daily Masses are available for your intention(s). Dates fill quickly. Donation is $10/Mass. Due to demand, the limit is 3/family.
Memorial Garden
Remember a loved one with our Memorial Gardens.
Contact the Parish Office for details and donation levels.
Respect Life Rose
Our Respect Life Committee will place a single stem rose in front of the statue of the Blessed Mother in our church for the period of one week. Your intention will be listed in our parish bulletin*. Donation is $20/rose.
Tree of Life
In an area of high visibility in our church vestibule, honor a loved one or occasion with an engraved leaf. Contact the Parish Office for donation levels.
Altar Flowers
Our Flower Ministry will create a one-of-a-kind display for the altar area and your intention will be listed in our parish bulletin*. Donation is $100/weekend.
*Timely inclusion in our parish bulletin is subject to bulletin submission deadlines.