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Welcome to our parish family! As family, we are here to help you grow in love of Christ and one another.

Like all families, we need your involvement in order to flourish.

Together, we can effectively support the Church and our community!

First Communion Banner making.jpg
Blessing of Easter food baskets
Children cantors

What to expect from the parish

As a Christian community,

the parish should:

church building icon

~ Welcome all to be a part of our worshiping community through prayer and the Eucharistic Celebration and the other sacraments;

~Witness to the Truth in word and deed;

~Help those in need and serve the poor;

~Provide opportunities to learn about the Faith;

~Encourage broader participation of our parishioners in parish life;

~Empower members to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today; and

~Manage resources responsibly.

join our church icon

What the parish expects from you

As a member of this family, parishioners should:

~ Witness to the Truth in word and deed;
~ Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days;
~ Be good stewards of time, talent, and treasure;
~ Since we are a tithing parish, make identifiable contributions using envelopes or 
e-giving; and
~ If they have children, raise their children in the Faith.

Parish Registration

Registration helps us to serve you. Issuance of letters of eligibility, letters of recommendation and other documents are only available to registered parishioners. Registration is available using an online form or by download as well as in the Parish Office. If you choose to download the form please fill in the form, save it, then email it to the Parish Office at





If you live outside of our parish boundaries but wish to join our community, please obtain a letter of permission from your current parish. Contact the Parish Office if you are unsure. 

We look forward to getting to know you!
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