Our Policy is to keep you safe when the weather causes hazardous conditions for travel. Your safety is our concern.
Our clergy, staff and members will work with you to reschedule important meetings.
Our parish follows the lead of the Colonial School District with regard to weekday Mass and the delayed opening/closing of the parish office due to inclement weather.
When Colonial has a two-hour delay, or closes, our 8:30 a.m. weekday Mass will be cancelled, and the Mass intention will be celebrated privately by the priest.
In the event of a Colonial School District two-hour delay, the parish office and chapel will open two hours late.
If Colonial is closed, the parish office and chapel are closed. Scheduled meetings will be canceled unless otherwise notified.
If you have questions or need help rescheduling appointments or meetings you can call the parish office when we return. Or if it's an emergency, please call Father O’Donald.